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No Till Equipment Program

The Regional Agriculture Council (RAC) of the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (RiverCOG) through a Department of Agriculture Farm Viability Grant, is creating a no-till and cover crop cost sharing equipment program. The purpose of the project is to expand land farmed in the region using no-till farming practices. By introducing equipment to land not being farmed now or on existing Connecticut farms, the implementation of soil health principles such as organic cover crop and no-till planting can be encouraged.

Mechanical Transplanter
A transplanter is an agricultural machine used for transplanting seedlings to the field.

Operators Manual


Seed Drill
A seed drill is an agriculture machine that sows seeds for crops by positioning them in the soil and burying them to a specific depth.

Operators Manual


A roller/crimper is an agricultural machine that cuts and mulches as a cover crop.

Resources for Growing with a Cover Crop

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